Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Body of the Resurrection

Jesus was the first to be raised from the dead to eternal life. His resurrected body was very different from the body He was born with. He was still recognizable by his disciples, but He had the ability to walk through walls. He still bore the wounds of His crucifixion, but He could still share a meal with his disciples on the beach. His new body was very unusual. He didn't seem to have the same limitations as He did before. And to think that one day, we will receive a new body in the resurrection as well! Jesus was the first to receive this new body that will never die again, but He certainly won't be the last. We who choose to follow Christ with our lives will receive this new body as well. I can't wait for that day!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amen! My grandmother had a benign tumor that literally took over her head, taking her hearing, her feeling, her taste, her vision in one eye, and eventually began to suffocate her. This woman was in so much pain but she never complained and thanked God for every day! When she passed away I could not control the tears of joy thinking that she was dancing in heaven with her Father-her body completely restored!