Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I've Been Converted!

I grew up in Cleveland, Ohio. I am a Cleveland Indians, Browns and Cavs fan through and through. At least I was...until last Monday night. A good friend paid for me to attend a game at historic Fenway Park in Boston and my life has not been the same since! What an unbelievable experience! From the minute I walked through the gates, it was a spiritual experience for me. People talked to me. People sang the national anthem. I caught an autographed baseball commemorating the 456th straight sell out at Fenway. There were lots of laughs, great food, homeruns and an unbeatable atmosphere. I gotta tell ya: I normally hate it when people switch their allegiance and start following the "winning" team, but this was not so much about the team for me as it was about the people of Boston, the city, the great Fenway park. I loved all of it. These people are my kindred spirits. I have never experienced anything like this before. I am forever changed. I have been converted. I'm thinking of moving there. Can you imagine me becoming part of Red Sox Nation? I know it seems unbelievable, but I think I've been converted!