Friday, August 22, 2008

It's JustLife Baby!

Two years ago Jeff Kivett and I started dreaming about a video-driven website that could help people through some of life's biggest challenges. We started to pray and dream and sketch things out on paper. That eventually led to writing material and recording LOTS AND LOTS of video, and in just about a week or so will officially "launch"! We belive this site will reach people who don't know Jesus in a very unique way. We believe the site will help followers of Christ have deeper conversations with their friends and neighbors about spiritual issues. We believe this site will help change our community and maybe even the world! Jeff and I have already been changed just by being involved in the process. We have a team of 12 people on our Board and are already pursuing our own non-profit status as well as several grants (because we definitely need some type of revenue stream to keep the idea going). You can help us by continuing to pray for the project as well as inviting all your friends, neighbors, co-workers and relatives to check it out! We appreciate any help you can offer us. And please check it out for yourself too ok? We'd love to hear your comments and ideas for making the site everything God wants it to be!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Summer Lawn Care

Its been really hot lately where I live and I'm practically watering my lawn daily to keep it healthy and green. While I was out there watering this morning, I was thinking about how my lawn is a lot like my spiritual life. Sometimes it's really dry and starts to brown out and get really ugly-looking. Other times it's green and lush and looking great...but it takes a lot of work to keep it that way. There are bugs that try and attack my lawn at times, so I have to use fertilizer and pesticides to keep them away. I feel like there are many distractions in my spiritual life at times too! Different things try to side-track me, discourage me or knock me off course. But with the help of a few good friends I'm in community with, I manage to stay on track most of the time. Now I just wish I could get my lawn a little greener...