Friday, April 4, 2008

On The Road Again

I'm in Jacksonville, FL tonight getting ready to present the CORE tomorrow at Faith Christian Center. It was a great flight down and after navigating through the crazy, curvy highways of Jacksonville, I finally found my hotel and checked in. I was starving, so I went to one of my favorite restaurants: Ted's Montana Grill where I kicked back, enjoyed a great meal and read a new book I'm relaly enjoying..."The New Christians" by Tony Jones. It's really speaking to where I'm at on my spiritual journey, and becasue I have a relationship with Tony, I can really relate and have found myself laughing out loud on a few different occasions. The book is reminding me of how I'm proud to be a part of the Emergent Church. I like that we can ask questions and have our doubts about the Christian faith. None of this bothers God. He's big enough for our questions and doubts. I especially love Tony's take on the importance of theology and how it drives everything we do in life. Tony really makes me think and I love that!

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