Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pride, Humility and Learning to Listen

I was praying at an All-Night Prayer Vigil my church was hosting and God clearly communicated to me. It wasn't something I relaly wanted to hear, but it was nothing but clear! He said, "Get over yourself Ambrose! This is not about you. This is about what I'm doing in and through you. So let me work. Step and see what I want to do. Humble yourself before me. Take time to listen. I love you David." Then God's Spirit directed me to Psalm 131 and guess what it was all about: You got it...Pride! And stilling and quieting my heart so God can speak. And that's really what's most important anyway right? Learning to listen to God...getting quiet enough to hear...and humbling myself enough to respond to His voice by obeying what he says...

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