Thursday, November 18, 2010

Rohr Rocks My World

I started my doctoral work toward achieving my D.Min at Fuller Seminary and I'm currently out here in Pasadena taking a class called Action and Contemplation with Father Richard Rohr.'s mind-blowing! I can't believe all of the new horizons that he has opened up to me using the Scriptures. I can't believe how limited my own dualistic mind can be at times with all of its pre-conceived notions and ideas. It's great to hear another viewpoint. It's wonderful to sit in class with Christ-followers from so many different traditions. It stretches me to think. I love to do that! I love to learn! It reminds me of how important it is to remain humble and teachable because there's always so much more to learn. If this first class is any indication of what the pursuit of this degree is going to be like, I'm super-excited! Now I pray that God gives me the faith (and the finances) to keep going!

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