I was home for Thanksgiving and everything was going quite well despite the fact that we had 24 people stuffed into a normal sized home in the burbs and most of them were under 2 feet tall. People were everywhere. Every bedroom was full. People were sleeping on air mattresses in the basement workroom. The kitchen was busy 24/7. You get the picture. But even with all that going on, things were going quite well until someone decided to bring up politics. Now the election has been decided for a few weeks already, but it seems there are still some bitter feelings bubbling under the surface out there. Well, they were under the surface that is, until someone in my family decided to bring it all up again! Anyway, long story short: It all culminated with my own mother asking me who I voted for in front of the entire family. I said, "Do you really want to know mom?" She said, "Of course, why do you think I asked?" So I told her and the next thing I knew, my mom was shaking her finger at me telling me there's no way I could possibly be a "Christian" and have voted that way...Oh boy. Here we go. The first shot heard 'round the world. Ding! The fight is on! The rest of the family joined in and away we went...Well, away they went. Fortunately for me, I've seen all of this before and decided it was time to gather up my part of the family (including the dog) and head off to the in-laws house. I've never been so happy to see my in-laws!
I hate politics. It just always seems to divide people - even family members. It leaves some people disappointed, others disillusioned and still others just wanting to escape it all and head to the in-laws!
I was planning to head home for Christmas...not any more. I think I'll just spend a night or two with the family aorund New Year's and call it a year...
1 comment:
Dear Dave, I too agree with you that your Mom is wrong is stating that you can not be a Christian if you voted for Obama (I am assuming that is who she is referring too). At least I could not find it anywhere in the bible. I am familiar With Psalm 139: 13-16 and Mathew 22: 36-40 and for me and our home we believe that to love others as we love ourselves we must protect the unborn. If our laws and leaders do not protect the unborn then these are the leaders, we would pray, that would not be given the opportunity to lead our country. We can debate wars, poverty and social injustice as pivotal issues but at the core if you are not supporting the defenseless one would be hard pressed to believe that you would stand up to unjust wars and social injustice.
These similar discussions are typical in most families but as Christians I believe we don't run from the discussion but lovingly embrace our differences and lead one another to truth through the word. I encourage you to pray for God's gift of grace, call your mom, tell her you love her and have a discussed based on God's word not feelings and pop culture.
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