This is unbelievable! Have you ever had an experience like this: You're working on renovating an old home and one of the contractors you invite in to do some work ends up coming back later to steal all the tools you've been using to renovate the house? The next day, someone else who's being chased by the police ends up ramming into your car causing thousands of dollars in damage to your car as you sit at a stoplight. Then the following day, you discover that your wallet is missing! Your identity, your credit cards, drivers license, everything is gone! Believe it or not, all of this just happened to a buddy of mine within a 48 hour time period. Ouch.
When it rains, it pours!
I've experienced some similar stuff in my own life. Bad things happen to me and I start twitching...wondering what's going to happen next or where it's going to come from. I end up "looking over my shoulder" all the time in fear of what might happen next. I hate that! I don't want to live my life in fear, but this world is a tough place to be at times. There are plenty of times in my life, I just need someone to come along and speak words of hope...someone who will encourage me or even just listen to me offload some of the junk in my life. Someone who will just be a friend.
What about you? Do you have someone like that in your life? Are YOU that kind of person in anyone else's life? I hope so, because everyone needs that kind of friend. We all have rainy days. But it's important to be reminded that the sun will shine again soon...Good friends are able to do that for me.
One of the projects I've been working on lately is dedicated to sharing some of these "encouraging stories" with people. We're hoping when you experience a "rainy day" of your own, this website will be an encouragement to you. Take a few minutes to check it out and let me know what you
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