This past Sunday I gave the message at my church and it proved very controversial and offensive for some people. First of all, if you're one of those people, I'd like to apologize and ask for your forgiveness. While it was certainly not my intention to offend anyone, I obviously did and I'd love to figure out why...
So I'd like to invite you to interact with some questions...
1. What does it really mean to be a follower of Christ? Is it important for everyone to "mark" the moment in time that they decide to start following Jesus? Why?
2. What is the gospel really? Isn't it more than just the "forgiveness of sins"? What does someone need to know before they can be "converted"? What place does the cross have in the gospel?
3. Did the Apostles follow Jesus differently than we do today? When did they begin their journey? What did they use to mark that place in time when they decided to begin a relationship with Him?
4. Is it important for us to question our beliefs and stretch ourselves a bit when it comes to our understanding of the gospel and what it means to follow Jesus?
Scott McKnight, Brian McLaren, Richard Peace have all had influence on my Christian journey in the past several years. While I certainly never believe everything someone teaches (other than Jesus), I have found what these men have to say very challenging to the way I've always thought about my faith. Are you willing to question some of your long-held beliefs? Join me on this journey...
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