Typically, Melody and I have served in churches for about 5 or 6 years and then got so burned out on ministry and everything that comes iwth it, that we just left for another ministry thinking things would be better - or at least different somewhere else. I wonder what would've happened if I had taken a sabbatical instead of just leaving? Maybe I wouldn't have had to leave...
I've never had the privilege of taking a sabbatical in all of my 18 years of full-time Christian ministry, but I gotta tell ya - I need one. I can feel in in my soul...Now I certainly don't want to sound like a complainer, but life in the ministry can get pretty crazy at times...my schedule can get pretty wild. I love what I do in ministry...there's just always a lot of it! I know some people joke about Pastors only working on Sundays, but for the past 18 years, I've probably worked on most of the other days too...Not just speaking or performing weddings and funerals, but praying for people going through major life challenges...counseling people who are thinking of throwing in the towel...challenging people who have relaly messed up and encouraging them get back on track. In short, a Pastor's job is to shepherd people...to guide them, protect them from the enemy and help them become more like Jesus. And this can be a 24/7 job. But in order to do a good job with all of that, a Pastor has to spend time with Jesus Himself!
So this is what I'm doing with my sabbatcial starting July 8:
- Melody and I and the boys are going to travel over to Washington, DC where I'll be speaking with my son and Becca Parker at DCLA for over 5000 students form all over the world.
- Then we're going to drive up the east coast together and see my sister and her family as well as a few other great cities (New York, Boston, Philly) along the way.
- We're going to stop over in Maine to see some "kids" who used to be in our youth ministry back in 1991 when we first started out in life. They own a lobster boat and want us to share some "lobster hunting" with them for a few days.
- Next, we'll drive over to northern Vermont where a great family from BridgeWay is allowing us to stay in their "cabin in the woods" for a couple weeks where we can just be quiet, pray and take some long walks in the woods just to think and learn the importance of being still again.
- Then we'll head back toward Indy and stop in Cleveland, Ohio for a Family Reunion. Cleveland is God's Paradise here on earth ya know?
- Finally, once we get back to Indy, the kids will get back to school, and I'll have a chance to read the Bible, rest, take a few long prayer walks and take my annual pilgrimmage to Gethsemani Monastary (www.monks.org) in Trappist, Kentucky just to learn to fall in love with Jesus all over again in the silence and solitude of the monastary.
Melody and I will also have a great opportunity to recharge our batteries and invest in our marriage again too. We're both hoping God will meet us and help us re-charge so that we can return to ministry at BridgeWay and continue pouring ourselves into all the great people God leads across our path!
I want to thank all of you for providing this opportunity to yoru pastors and staff at BridgeWay. It means the world to us. We would appreciate your prayers while we're gone too! Prayers for safety and refreshment...along with prayers for God to meet us along the journey.
I'm preaching this Sunday July 5 at BridgeWay and then we'll be gone until after Labor Day...so I hope you have a terriffic summer if I don't get to see you before we leave! And I hope you'll take some time to pursue Jesus in your own way too this summer. It's the most important thing you could be doing with your time.
God Bless! Have a Great Summer.
Dave Ambrose