Monday, August 20, 2007

Can't Keep Up

So its been 12 days since my last post and I'm sitting here wondering why it has taken me so long. I enjoy blogging, but trying to find the time in the last two weeks has been unbelievable. Between my kids' school starting and a few major events at work it has been completely overwhelming. So much for trying to slow down and simplify my life huh?

I desperately want to slow down, but wonder if it's really possible at this stage of my life. How did Jesus do it? How did He meet so many needs and still make time to pull away alone and refresh Himself? I'm not even "feeling the need" to be involved in all of this stuff, but it seems like the "stuff" always has a way of forcing itself upon me. I guess I'm still learning...and probably always will be.

So today I want to make it my goal to pull away for a few minutes to rest - to do absolutely nothing - not even blogging! And with that I say goodbye...

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Summer's coming to a close. Kids are going back to school soon. Sports, academics, dance, karate and a million other things will all start to kick in again very soon. Where will my commitment to following Christ and serving Him end up in all of this? Will I continue to pursue Him like I know I should? Will I do it out of desire or out of obligation? Do I really believe that this relationship with Jesus is the most important thing in my life? Will other people see that by looking at me and how I live my life? I certainly hope so...but I also realize that so much of that is up to me learning to depnd on God's grace every step of the way...

Friday, August 3, 2007

Better to Keep Your Mouth Shut?

Have you ever said something you wish you could take back? Even as you heard yourself saying it, you were thinking, "This is probably not going to turn out well." But you said it anyway. And of course it didn't turn out well at all. So you say to yourself, "I'm just going to keep my mouth shut from now on." But you are never able to do that either. So what's the right thing to do? Speak up and push into issues that you know will be uncomfortable and cause pain but probably also bring tremendous growth? Or just sit there and keep your mouth shut...watching it all waste away into apathy and nothingness? (Well ok, maybe it's not that bad, but that's certainly how it can feel at times!) I need wisdom when it comes to controlling what I say and don't say every single moment of every single day. My mouth can be one of my greatest assest, but it can also lead to some of my worst nightmares. I suppose one thing I can do is to ask God for wisdom. To pray before I speak and ask God if what I'm going to say needs to be said in the way I'm planning on saying it at the time I'm planning on saying it. And then I need to stop talking long enough to listen for His voice to lead me on...